Dwa miesiące. Pięć kobiet. Trzy wsie. Jedno szkolenie. Mnóstwo zabawy.
Myślicie, że ceramika jest nie dla Was? Że nie umielibyście nic sensownego ulepić z morkej i bezkształtnej gliny?
Spojrzcie jakie cuda wykonało pięć kobiet w zaledwie dwa miesiące!
Warsztaty w Galerii Kozia Szyja co sobotę o 11.00. ZAPRASZAMY!
(Szkolenie, którego efekty są prezentowane powyżej, zostało zrealizowane w ramach projektu "Rzemieślnicze tradycje Starej Kamienicy" przez Fundację Optimo. Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską)
Two months. Five women. Three villages. One training. Lots of fun.
Have you ever been thinking that ceramic in probably not your thing? That you could not create anything pretty out of gray humid mass of clay?
You might have been mistaken.
Look at what few marvelous women have created in only two months of workshops!
Wanna try? Ceramic workshops every Saturday at 11.00 at Galeria Kozia Szyja.
(Training mentioned above was put across by Optimo Foundation and partly sponsored by EU)
Two months. Five women. Three villages. One training. Lots of fun.
Have you ever been thinking that ceramic in probably not your thing? That you could not create anything pretty out of gray humid mass of clay?
You might have been mistaken.
Look at what few marvelous women have created in only two months of workshops!
Wanna try? Ceramic workshops every Saturday at 11.00 at Galeria Kozia Szyja.
(Training mentioned above was put across by Optimo Foundation and partly sponsored by EU)
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